Monday, April 20, 2009

Become a child movie star....then get sold by your parents?

Most people are familiar with the oscar winning movie Slumdog Millionaire. Here is a very interesting article I found online related to the movie. The link to the article is found below....

The father of Slumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali reportedly offered to sell his 9-year-old daughter for nearly $300,000, Britain's News of the World reports.
Trying to confirm that he is fielding several lucrative adoption offers, reporters from the paper posed as a wealthy Middle Eastern family interested in buying the girl.
"I have to consider what's best for me, my family and Rubina's future," said Rubina's dad, Rafiq Qureshi, who claims to be broke and left with "nothing" from the Oscar-winning flick.

The paper claims that Rubina was originally being sold for $75,000, but her father raised the price after the success of Slumdog.
"The child is special now," the girl's uncle said, according to the paper. "This is an Oscar child!"

A rep for Save The Children, a charity with offices in Mumbai, said Rubina's case should force India to crack down on child and human trafficking.
"The Indian government must sign up to the International Labor Organization's convention for abolishing the worst forms of child labor and trafficking," said the group's director of campaigns Adrian Lovett.

Her father has denied the paper's claims.
Police called Rubina and her father to a police station on Sunday night and recorded their statements.
"On Sunday, Rubina's mother Khurshid complained to us that her ex-husband was trying to sell her daughter, saying she saw some reports on television to that effect," Deputy Commissioner of Police Nisar Tamboli told Reuters.

There seems to be so much wrong with this situation. I remember when we discussed in class the movie Sulmdog Millionaire. One of the things we talked about was how supposedly these child actors who were used in the movie still haven't seen the money they were supposed to get. That is obviously rough because that money can deffinitely be important to families who don't have much to begin with. But....where do you get a right to start asking for people to bid on your child!

I can understand the concept of adoption and that whole process because when a family has a child they can no longer take care of and then want a better life for them, then it makes sense to put them up for adoption. But when you start asking for a person to buy your child from you, it is absolutely absurd. And what makes this rediculous is that her father is banking on more money because his child is a star!

This father is absolutely nuts. He isn't the only one in a tough living situation and now out of desperation you want to sell your child to the highest bidder? That is the epitome of a great father right there. Look at my little girl, she has made our family proud and being in this movie is a great the way, if anyone is interested the bidding starts at $75,000. I seriously hope this guy is thrown in jail or police take some sort of action. This guy should be ashamed of himself, his family deserves alot better.


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