Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Super Bowl Porn

Comcast Offers $10 Credit After Super Bowl Porn Blunder

Operator's Tucson System Continues to Investigate Possible 'Malicious Act'

By Todd Spangler -- Multichannel News, 2/2/2009 7:14:25 PM MT

Comcast is offering a $10 credit to Tucson, Ariz., subscribers "impacted" by a 30-second porn clip that interrupted the local NBC affiliate's Super Bowl XLIII broadcast Sunday.
The clip from Shorteez, a hard-core pay-per-view adult channel owned by Playboy Enterprises, appeared in the standard-definition feed of
KVOA-TV on Comcast's local system in the game's fourth quarter immediately after the Arizona Cardinals scored to take a 23-20 lead with less than three minutes to go in the game. The HD version was unaffected.

The 30-second clip showed full-frontal male nudity, the Tucson Citizen reported. A second clip, which also aired during the telecast, showed about 10 seconds of end credits for Club Jenna, another Playboy-owned adult pay-per-view channel, according to the newspaper.

"We can't undo what happened, but we remain deeply sorry for the impact this situation has had on our customers," Comcast Tucson corporate affairs manager Kelle Maslyn said in a statement Monday. "To that end, we will be issuing a $10 credit to any Comcast video customer in Tucson who was impacted. While this credit won't change what happened, we hope that it will demonstrate to our customers, and to the Tucson community, how seriously we are taking this situation."

Talk about a wardrobe malfunction, the viewers in Tuscon, AZ area got treated to quite a show during the broadcast of the Superbowl. And I'm not talking about the Boss' sliding crotch shot during the half time show. This was a bit more Full Monty. Now I am all for a good practical joke and i have no complaints about seeing skin ( the Janet incident was really not a big deal ). But showing small children giant penis' is just plain wrong. There is no way around it, this was a sick and twisted thing to do.

I'm sure someone thought they were very funny for pulling the stunt off, but there are million other things you could have snuck in there. Maybe "Scarlet Takes a Tumble, http://http//, anything but what was shown. Whoever did this needs to step back and think about maybe their little sister, or young daughter seeing such a thing. Also take a look at how you find enjoyment in life, prob some issues you need to work out buddy.

Perhaps the worst part is Comcast's reaction to the incident. They're gonna give everyone ten bucks, big freaking deal. "You scar my five year old daughter, but hey no biggie cuz now I got ten bucks. Which I'm gonna give right back to you for the $150 dollar bill that came in the mail yesterday. Thanks Comcast"

You would think a giant corporation such as Comcast could possible give out some free cable for a month or at least something better than 10 bucks, it's really an insult. I'm sure someone will try and sue for mental distress or something. And because of such a crappy response to this truly strange and weird incident I hope they win.


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