Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Does this look like the face of a monkey that would brutally maul you?

STAMFORD, Conn. – Travis the chimpanzee, a veteran of TV commercials, was the constant companion of a lonely Connecticut widow who fed him steak, lobster and ice cream. He could eat at the table, drink wine from a stemmed glass, use the toilet, and dress and bathe himself.

He brushed his teeth with a Water Pik, logged on to a computer to look at photos and channel-surfed television with the remote control.

But on Monday, the wild animal in him came out with a vengeance.

The 200-pound animal viciously mauled a friend of his owner before being shot to death by police.

Police said they are looking into the possibility of criminal charges. A pet owner can be held criminally responsible if he or she knew or should have known that an animal was a danger to others.

Police said that Travis was agitated earlier Monday and that Herold had given him the anti-anxiety drug Xanax in some tea. Police said the drug had not been prescribed for the 14-year-old chimp.

In humans, Xanax can cause memory loss, lack of coordination, reduced sex drive and other side effects. It can also lead to aggression in people who were unstable to begin with, said Dr. Emil Coccaro, chief of psychiatry at the University of Chicago Medical Center.

"Xanax could have made him worse," if human studies are any indication, Coccaro said.

This is absolutely insane...what the hell is a lady doing with a 200 pound pet monkey. I don't care how cute he is, or how he ate at the table with her and probably wiped his mouth with a napkin, nobody should have a giant pet monkey as a pets. Simple fact. Especially some old lady who cant control is monkey rage. I'm sure there has to be some law out there about keeping monkeys as pets. And how come none of her neighbors called animal control when she was driving around in her car and instead of a human in the passenger seat she has a 200 pound monkey. Didn't anyone think this lady might be a little unstable?

To top it off the crazy monkey lady gave the thing prescription drugs. Why are you giving your monkey Xanax for? If you know the thing is crazy maybe he shouldn't be your pet monkey anymore. This isn't Friends and that monkey ain't Marcel in that picture up there and he sure doesn't sit on your shoulder. The woman should be held responsible for her unbelievable negligence. If you search out the article and read a little more about Travis the monkey had actually caused problems in the past and animal control had to be brought in.

So then the question needs to be asked, why did she still have possession of the monkey? If animal control had awareness of the animal in her possession shouldn't they have done something about it? Again, there is no way it is legal to have a monkey living in your house in Connecticut. But hey if it is, I'm sure that will be changing soon since Travis ruined one woman's life.


1 comment:

  1. Danny

    You certainly have an interesting perspective here! I wasn't expecting commentary on chimps but it certainly is a reaction to something in the media!

    Professor Saylor
