Tuesday, March 3, 2009

911? This is an Emergency

As reported at the Smoking Gun.com

A McNuggets "Emergency"

Floridian called 911 three times over McDonald's chicken shortage

MARCH 3--Angered that her local McDonald's was out of Chicken McNuggets, a Florida woman called 911 three times to report the fast food "emergency." Latreasa Goodman, 27, last Saturday called police to complain that a cashier--citing a McDonald's all sales are final policy--would not give her a refund. When cops responded to the restaurant, Goodman told them, "This is an emergency. If I would have known they didn't have McNuggets, I wouldn't have given my money, and now she wants to give me a McDouble, but I don't want one." Goodman noted, "I called 911 because I couldn't get a refund, and I wanted my McNuggets," according to the below Fort Pierce Police Department report. That logic, however, did not keep cops from citing Goodman for misusing the 911 system. Even after being issued a misdemeanor citation, Goodman contended, "this is an emergency, my McNuggets are an emergency."

I am getting hungry just reading this article. Now if 911 isn't for robbery then what is it for? This greedy McDonalds took her money for nuggets and then gave her none. Granted they tried to appease the situation with a McDouble but that obviously wasn't enough.

I want to know who is running this place. First off McNuggets are delicious but you know what is even more delicious, Chicken Selects. You're telling me this woman is going crazy in your dinning room and the manager doesn't have the brains to say, "Hey give this woman a damn box of Chicken Selects and a free sundae and get her the hell out of here".

I know she is obviously insane but isn't it worth it to toss a couple freebies her way just to get her the hell out?

And for these cops...they obviously have never had a McDonalds craving before. It's like crack, once you need the grease in your bloodstream there is no stopping it. The fact that they wouldn't give this woman her nugs is a blatant 911 emergency. McDonalds is a drug dealer, they get you hooked on the greasy goodness and then to tell you NO when you need a fix...complete and utterly unacceptable.


Click below for the 911 calls.
